Miami Heat Player Tyler Herro Stunts on Instagram | Miami New Times

Ten Instagram Posts That Show Tyler Herro's Progression Into the Most Miami Man Ever

Tyler Herro was so very Miami before he even knew he was.
Tyler Herro
Tyler Herro Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images
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On June 20, 2019, the Miami Heat selected guard Tyler Herro with the 13th overall pick in the NBA Draft. At the time, Heat fans knew little about Herro. There was a mad rush to his Wikipedia page to find out more about who he was.

The results revealed a 19-year-old from Wisconsin who played at Kentucky. Basically, the answer Siri replies with when asked What is the opposite of Miami? His game looked sick, but the initial reaction by many Heat fans was comparable to accidentally sipping a cup of milk when you meant to reach for Sprite.

Oh, what a difference a year can make. Herro is now a 20-year-old veteran who quite possibly has the craziest swagger in the entire NBA.

Herro passed the point of fitting in in Miami many exits ago. He's now the poster boy for a young man with money living in Miami.

Here's how it all went down, as documented by his Instagram posts.
10. June 25, 2019: The "Welcome to Miami" stage. Tyler Herro was so very Miami before he even knew he was. The man showed up to the NBA Draft in a suit made out of a strip club VIP couch. Swagger-o-meter off the charts. 11/10 drip. The Miami Heat probably wasn't even planning on selecting him, but he showed up like this and forced their hand.
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i been searchin for love and found lust ????????

A post shared by Tyler Herro (@nolimitherro) on

9. July 29, 2019: The Wynwood stage. Did you even come to Miami if you're under 30 and didn't make a stop in Wynwood, the capital of the Instagram world, for some stellar content? Personally, I vote no.

Tyler Herro checked the Wynwood IG box almost immediately. He even worked in some line about love while giving the camera a smoky-eyed look. Textbook stuff, people. His Miami is intensifying.

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6am on the beach.

A post shared by Tyler Herro (@nolimitherro) on

8. September 5, 2019: The beach stage. Nobody who isn't from Miami just plans on playing volleyball on the beach. Miamians get you into that sort of stuff. Who even owns a volleyball and brings it to the beach? People from Miami, that's who. 

Tyler had to feel extremely Miami after getting in a few sets of beach volleyball like he was on the set of Top Gun. Good wholesome fun, though. This isn't the Club Liv stuff you see on TV, but it's a foundational stage of going full Miami. Crawl before you run stuff.

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Dior Baby

A post shared by Tyler Herro (@nolimitherro) on

7. December 28, 2019: The Scarface stage. There comes a time in every new Miami resident's life where you have to be Tony Montana for a day. You can't just live in Miami and not try out the '80s cocaine druglord look at least once. This is backed by science.

As with everything Tyler Herro, he inexplicably pulls this shit off. What in the hell, man?
6. January 20, 2020: The Miami Vice stage. Finally, a Tyler Herro misstep. It feels like Herro was going for the Miami Vice look here but got distracted because he was watching Back to the Future while getting dressed. I have no idea what "it" is, but I am pretty comfortable in saying this is not it.

Nonetheless, this is a Miami stage. Everyone man has a day when he tries pink for the first time. It takes practice to get good at it.
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I could sell water to a speed boat ????

A post shared by Tyler Herro (@nolimitherro) on

5. May 3, 2020: The Ultra stage. Part gypsy, part skater? I'm not entirely sure. This Herro look is like a magic-eye poster that came to life. He'd fit right in at a music festival. He looks like the guy that's only at Ultra because he sells ecstasy.

For the rest of us, the Ultra stage is usually accompanied by mind-altering drugs. For Herro, it's just a 'fit. And once again, he defies all odds and looks like he was born to dress this way. It's just not fair, man.
4. May 9, 2020: The... this stage. For a good 24 hours, this Tyler Herro look shut down NBA Twitter. You had to pick a side and defend it. OK, or not OK.

When viewed in the vacuum of just a kid in Miami, though, this is a familiar phase most have in high school. You push the limits. You smoke too much weed and do weird stuff.
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Writing this from Florida wit love ???????

A post shared by Tyler Herro (@nolimitherro) on

3. May 11, 2020: The "All About the U" stage. This is full Miami. Even the lighting looks straight out of a Miami Hurricanes 1991 photo album. Herro could be getting on a bus to play FSU. You don't know.

There's no going back now. Once you commit to The U, you're in for life.
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Katya Elise Henry/Instagram
June 15th, 2020: The Instagram girlfriend stage. Everyone knows the final stage of a rich young man going Miami is to start dating an Instagram model. Herro checked this box with his entire foot.

Herro's current girlfriend, Katya Elise Henry, has 7.5 million followers on Instagram. She's a thing. She likely makes more money in a month than he does playing in the NBA.

Tyler Herro, you hero, you.
1. June 26, 2020: The Instagram influencer stage. Annnnd he's an Instagram influencer himself now. Game over. Tyler Herro has beaten the game.

An underrated part of going full Miami is that you eventually revert back to your old self, but with a tinge of swagger you can't buy on Amazon. It's earned, not bought. Herro always had it, but now he has it in Miami. 
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