Kiera Wilmot, Student Arrested for Science Experiment, Won't Face Charges | Riptide 2.0 | Miami | Miami New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Miami, Florida

Kiera Wilmot, Student Arrested for Science Experiment, Won't Face Charges

Kiera Wilmot, the teenage girl who was arrested, expelled from school and charged with two adult felonies all for conducting a science experiment on school grounds, will not face any criminal charges after all. According to The Orlando Sentinel, the State Attorney's Office announced today it will not pursuit charges...
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Kiera Wilmot, the teenage girl who was arrested, expelled from school and charged with two adult felonies all for conducting a science experiment on school grounds, will not face any criminal charges after all.

According to The Orlando Sentinel, the State Attorney's Office announced today it will not pursuit charges against the Bartow High School student.

See also:

- Kiera Wilmot's Failed Science Experiment Brings Out the Racism

Back in April, Wilmot mixed some household chemicals with some aluminum foil in a water bottle. It cause a small explosion, but no one was hurt and no property was damaged. Before that, Wilmot had a clean behavioral record and was a stand out student. The perceived overreaction to the case by both police and school officials caused a national outrage.

Wilmot, however, will not have to worry about racking up a criminal record thanks to her youthful curiosity -- a possibility that raised outrage online and sparked a national petition that's drawn nearly 200,000 signatures in Wilmot's support. From The Sentinel:

The State Attorney said that it extended "an offer of diversion of prosecution to the child," typically a probationary program that allows the youngster to perform community service and avoid a criminal record. Kiera and her guardian signed the agreement, it said.

Wilmot will not be allowed to return to Bartow High, though. After serving a 10-day suspension, Wilmot must now attend classes at an alternative high school in order to complete her degree.

See also:

- Kiera Wilmot's Story Blows Up, but Where's the Herald?

- Scientists Back Kiera Wilmot by Tweeting About All the Stuff They've Blown Up

- Kiera Wilmot Case: Prosecutor Who OK'ed Arrest Let Another Teen Slide for Killing Brother

- Florida School Responds to Criticism for Expelling Student Over Science Project: "There Are Consequences to Actions"

- Florida Teen Girl Charged With Felony After Science Experiment Goes Bad

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