Segafredo Zanetti Espresso Cafe | Brickell | Cafe, Coffeehouse, Coffee Shops | Restaurant

Segafredo Zanetti Espresso Cafe

Neighborhood: Brickell
By day, Segafredo is filled with people sipping lattes, reading newspapers, and playing backgammon. By night, the lights are dimmed, a DJ spins, and women wearing stilettos drink champagne cocktails. Sometime after dusk, a velvet rope and a valet parking attendant appear, and what was a cozy red, black, and gray coffee shop with upholstered couch clusters becomes an urbane bar and restaurant. The seven-page drink menu starts with the signature Italian coffees of this international chain, but is mostly filled with tropical cocktails, martinis, and wines and champagne by the bottle. Food choices are limited to small plates, salads, and panini. Try crisp thin-crust pizza pies served on wooden paddles, or one of the carpaccio plates of tuna, octopus, salmon or filet mignon. At night, sip a Treviso — an iced coffee drink with espresso, Baileys, and Kahlúa — the caffeine jolt will keep you up dancing. In the morning, come back for tea and apricot pastries.