Mi Peru | Aventura/North Miami Beach | Peruvian | Restaurant

Mi Peru

Mi Peru is filled on any given day, for lunch or dinner, with the local Hispanic population, and the plates are piled high with traditional Peruvian fare. The dining room has the feel of a diner — above the kitchen counter are pictures of the food with descriptions, just in case you aren't sure what to order — and a big-screen TV plays nonstop fútbol. Expect to waddle out weighed down. Most meat and fish dishes are either deep-fried, breaded, sautéed, or grilled, and served with a combination of rice, beans, fries, plantains, or Peruvian-style potatoes (with cheese and egg). For those who prefer to go lighter, try one of the excellent cebiches (as they are spelled on the menu); the seafood is fresh, and the dish is not overly citric. It's a complete meal, topped with thinly sliced purple onions and served with a boiled potato, a sweet potato, and roasted corn nuts. The whole fried fish topped with garlic sauce is well seasoned if heavy, for the garlic sauce is more like garlic gravy. A cold Peruvian beer — or house red or white wine — might help to digest the food, and traditional desserts are abundant, if you can find the room.
Elvis Ramirez