Jungle Island | Downtown/Overtown | Attractions and Amusement Parks | General

Jungle Island

Neighborhood: Downtown/Overtown
As much as we'd all love to believe we're capable of Crocodile Dundee-style adventures, the truth is, we're better off looking at nature through fences and safety glass. So for those days when you're feeling just adventurous enough to take a gander at mother nature's wild offspring - there's Jungle Island. Great for kids, good enough for adults, it's at least an afternoon's worth of entertainment. Expect to pay extra for everything - even taking pictures with the animals. But really, where else are you going to see a liger? Plus tigers, kangaroos, camels, lemurs, monkeys, parrots. You know, all those animals that should be roaming around in REAL jungles. But we digress. Suck it up and cart your niece along with. It's better than Chuck E. Cheese, any day.