Miami New Times Shares Spring Drive Results, Announces New Director of Membership | Miami New Times

Miami New Times Shares Spring Drive Results, Names Jennifer Robinson Director of Membership

Our members support local, independent journalism in Miami (and get cool perks), and we have a new leader at the helm.
Have feedback for Jenn about our membership program? We’re listening!
Have feedback for Jenn about our membership program? We’re listening! New Times graphic by Allie Seidel
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Our first-ever spring membership drive is complete! Thanks to the generous support of our readers, we raised $2,900 of our $4,000 goal for our newsroom. As the industry shifts and we can no longer rely on advertising to sustain us, we can't begin to express what these contributions mean. Not only that, but we have personnel news to share.

Voice Media Group is excited to announce the promotion of Jennifer Robinson to director of membership & community development.

Jenn has Texas roots. Born in Midland, she received her bachelor's degree from Texas A&M University and moved to Dallas in 2002. She began her career with Voice Media Group in 2005 as an account executive for the Dallas Observer, and Jenn's passion for events and marketing quickly led her to the company's marketing and promotions team. There, she specialized in creating lifestyle events and partnership development to increase community engagement and raise brand awareness.

Over the past 18 years, Jenn has developed and executed more than 125 lifestyle events for Voice Media Group across its four markets: Miami New Times, Phoenix New Times, Denver Westword, and the Dallas Observer. Her extensive background in community engagement and relationship-building makes her the perfect fit to lead our membership program. Jenn is based at the Observer office in Dallas.

We asked Jenn a few questions about her next phase of leadership:

New Times: What are you most excited about as you enter this role with the company?

Jenn Robinson:
Everything! But I am most excited about the opportunity to engage with our members, who understand the value and importance local journalism plays in our communities.

Journalism today has ever-changing challenges. For you, why is reader support so important?

Local news publications play a key role both in informing communities and in promoting engagement among community members. These members directly support the journalism we produce and allow our newsrooms to sustain, plan, and grow.

What are your immediate goals with the membership program?

Engaging with members to understand what benefits resonate most with them and developing programs to make it stronger. We recently did our first audience survey, which we learned a lot from. I'm excited to put those findings into action.

Have feedback for Jenn about our membership program? We're listening. We want to hear from you about how we can continue to make the program stronger. Email Jenn at [email protected]. If you are a business or organization that wants to partner with us on cool perks for our members, you should reach out as well!

As always, thank you for your continued support.
Can you help us continue to share our stories? Since the beginning, Miami New Times has been defined as the free, independent voice of Miami — and we'd like to keep it that way. Our members allow us to continue offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food, and culture with no paywalls.